Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's All About Balance

I boiled more eggs last night. WAY better than my first attempt. Probably either need to adjust the temp just a little bit or cook them for a few minutes less. The egg I had this morning had just two little brown spots, but I think it's from the egg touching the sides of the muffin tin while it's cooking. I just trimmed off those two spots and ate the rest. So good.

It's supposed to be another stifling hot day out there today. As of now, it's only 75, compared to 85 for all my poor friends in StL. We are supposed to hit 106 by 3pm today. Am I still going to attempt to run? Probably. Although with the heat, I probably shouldn't be too hard on myself if I do as poorly as I have been. There are a lot of things I haven't been factoring into my sucky runs. One of them being heat. Another would be the insanely high pollen counts for the past few weeks. I am allergic to pollen, so that could be a strong contributor to my inability to breathe while I'm trying to run. So maybe it isn't just my asthma.

As far as my food situation goes, well I'm pretty stocked up on protein. I have zero fruits and veggies though. But I'll be going to the farmer's market Saturday morning, so hopefully I find some good stuff. I need strawberries (making strawberry mimosas to have with breakfast Sunday morning . . . yum!), I'd like some peaches or nectarines . . . something along those lines, definitely some grapes and bananas. I also want broccoli, cauliflower (so I can try to make pizza, or mashed potatoes), cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce, asparagus, and I don't know what else. But I doubt I can afford all that. So we'll see what I end up with.

As you all know, the Fourth of July is next week and it is my most favorite holiday. Who doesn't love barbeque, beer, and fireworks?! A week after that is my birthday, and those festivities will probably go through the weekend. That's a lot of drinking, which I am making exceptions for (I promise I don't normally drink that much). But living in a college town makes it difficult to not drink. After all, we have a favorite bar (I don't remember the last time we went anywhere else). We love our bartenders at that bar. We generally enjoy the company of the other customers . . . generally. And up until this week, we were going there at least twice a week. Which was never really a problem because I don't have a lot of money, so I'd drink enough for my tab (about 2-3 beers) and I'd be done. Sometimes it's hard not to drink more though, especially when I'm not the one driving.

But it's important to find a balance, especially if you're trying to lead a healthy lifestyle/lose weight/whatever. As I was reading through some of the blogs I follow, I came across Mama Laughlin's latest post. She's incredible, has lost a ton of weight and looks fabulous. And she hasn't given up alcohol . . . My Hero. So today she has posted How to be an Alcoholic and Still Lose Weight. She's got some great tips (and some yummy drink recipes I'll have to try . . . and I'm also really jealous of her Tervis Tumbler!). And she's hilarious. Most of the blogs I follow are funny. I like funny people. Anyway, as she says, it's all about balance. If you know you're going to go out and drink Friday night, eat light and really healthy during the day Friday, saving your calories for your drinks that night.

So my dilemma is: It's my birthday, and I'm celebrating almost all week. Am I going to "save my calories"? Well, to be completely honest, probably not. Because, well, it's my birthday and I'll do what I want. I don't want to completely trash my diet though, so obviously I'm going to stick with what I've been eating. But I'm also not gonna hold back on drinking what I want either. Shots of Patron anyone? :)


  1. Love it. I ran 3 miles today when I got home from work just so see how tough it is to run when it's 108 out. Now, of course, I'm drinking - and not making any excuses for it!

    You need to look up Hash House Harriers. I ran into the team years back on a business trip. I've always wanted to be a member. I'm sure you'll find lots of tips there on how to balance the wonder of alcohol with the necessity of exercise.

    BTW - Nick got married last weekend in Anchorage! I was an awesome wedding.

    I'm going to post a photo on my blog :-)

  2. Gotta admit, I didn't run. The heat doesn't bother me, but I just couldn't breathe. So I'm going to try to get up early tomorrow and go before it's too hot.

    I'll definitely look them up! And I saw on facebook that they got married! Congrats!
