Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Uno Week Until My Birthday!

Happy 4th of July!
I got my run in this morning at Creve Coeur. Not as good as last time, but it's also a lot hotter. And it was harder to breathe. Didn't check the temp before I went, but I was sweating just stretching. There are a lot of shaded areas there though, so it didn't feel too bad there. It was really crowded though...because of the holiday I suppose.

And we have good news! Florissant didn't cancel their fireworks! I'm so happy. I can't wait to go. And I get to see them with my wonderful boyfriend :)

He bought me Les Miserables (I can't figure out how to put the accent over the e on my phone. Very frustrating). The best boyfriends buy books. And he even found a hardcover copy instead of just buying the Barnes & Noble "classic book" or whatever they're called. Those covers are lame.
Tomorrow will be an afternoon run. And I'm going to try to shoot for a Friday morning run. Going to see Third Eye Blind Friday night so no time for an afternoon run. And I'll do another run at Creve Coeur on Saturday. I've seen quite a few ads for some races in August and September. Assuming I have the money for the registrations, I definitely want to do them.  They sound like a lot of fun. One is a 5k and one is a 5k/10k so I want to try the 10k.

Oh! One week til my birthday! (Sorry about the title. My Spanish speaking abilities are quite limited.)

Enjoy bbq and beer and fireworks and be safe everyone!


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