Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lessons Learned

Lessons learned from birthday festivities:
1. New shoes will give you blisters.
2. A second pair of new shoes will give you blisters in different places.
3. I get drunk off of 3 or 4 beers now.
4. I also get a severe headache the next morning after what I would have previously referred to as a light night of drinking.
5. It's true. No one likes you when you're 23. Especially your body.

So my blisters hurt. A lot. But I can't go any longer without running. So I went to target today to get some socks that come up higher in the back so my ankles don't rub against my shoes so badly (I hope). As for the other blisters, well, I'm just gonna slather them in Neosporin (or whatever works) and suck it up.

Also, I got some bday money. So I think I'll be using that to get some new shoes and other things I need/want. And if I have enough, register for some of the races I want to do.

I had a wonderful time this weekend with my friends and family. Minus spending all day Saturday shopping for shoes for my new dress. From now on I need to make sure I already have the shoes before I buy the dress. Sheesh. I went to soooo many places. It was just awful. I hate shopping for shoes. But later we went to church and then to dinner at Hendel's and it was a really great time. I got to see my best friend, have a delicious dinner and dessert and a few drinks. Then Chris and I went to Main Street in St. Charles. I hadn't been there in a long time, and I hadn't been there on a weekend in even longer, so I was surprised with how crowded everything was. We had a really good time though.

And today, I finally got my air conditioning in my car fixed!!!! I had a glorious drive home in the ac! It was a really great feeling to not be soaked in sweat when I got home. :)

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