Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Proceed with Caution

Am I going to go run or work out today? No. Why? Two reasons: A. My shins are hurting just walking right now, so the idea of pounding my feet on concrete and feeling 10 times more of that pain in my legs just sounds unbearable. That's my cue to rest. And maybe ice. B. As I have mentioned before, PMS is a ruthless bitch.

I have heard/read/been given advice/blah blah blah/whatever/shut the hell up that exercise is supposed to be an excellent way to reduce pains from cramps (aka feeling like your uterus and ovaries are being ripped out--guys you can just equate that to getting kicked in the balls. Yes, it hurts that bad, and we get it every single month). To whatever asshole (probably a man) suggested exercise is "the best medicine for menstrual cramps" can go crawl in a hole and die. I can assure you, that is not the case. And to the women who suck it up and go exercise anyway, more power to you. I, however, am not that strong.

The best medicine for cramps is a few ibuprofen and sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Look at it this way: You're grumpy when you don't get enough sleep and everyone hates you all day long for it because you're completely unbearable. When you're in severe pain and running on little to no sleep? Ha! Everyone hates you for a week. And they're probably researching hit men to take you out.

I have read before (and I do think this is good advice) that almost all of our problems can be solved with either a good laugh or a nap. Obviously I prefer a nap. I also think, for everyone's sake, women should get one sick day a month for this nonsense. Be sure to choose wisely in which day you take. Let's face it, you're in pain, sleep-deprived, and acting like a total bitch. You're not being nearly as productive as you are on the other 28 days of the month (or whatever it is). And no one at your office wants to deal with you (did I mention women are especially moody toward each other this time of the month because they're subconsciously competing to attract men? Yeah, I read an article on that. I don't know where it is. Just google it.).

Also, I don't know this to be a proven fact, but I find beer generally helps. Or wine. Whatever you've got. Oh, and mani/pedis. Or one or the other. Which ever you prefer. I went to get a pedicure yesterday thanks to my amazing boyfriend and it was so relaxing. I went alone--which I never do, because talking to Asians who barely speak English is awkward and intimidating--but I think I actually enjoyed it more by myself. It was much more relaxing. And the Asians keep themselves occupied by talking to each other about how gross your feet are, so you don't have to really talk to them either except to tell them what you want. How nice.

And in case you forgot, tomorrow is my birthday :) Setting my alarm for 5am to make an attempt at running. But if I'm gonna be honest here, that is probably not going to happen. No worries! I have another two-hour drive to St. Louis planned, and still no a/c, so I'll just sweat it all out while yelling at all the other morons who don't know how to drive.


  1. Sorry Amanda - but your blogs just TOTALLY crack me up! Of course - I have zero to offer you in the area of dealing with the monthly female curse - but might be able to help with the motivational issue.

    First is state of mind. If perceive your 'run' as something you have to do - it's going to be like convincing a child to bathe. You can't get them in the tub, then, once they're there, you can't get them out. And - the pattern repeats.

    So - perceiving your run as a perk of the day will change your perspective on getting off your ass and out the door. That said - if you're really not a morning runner (I'm not) then you need to find a more appropriate time for your body to enjoy the experience.

    Last - measure your running experience versus how you 'felt' prior to the run. I have zero statistics on this other than my own - but after a few decades of running regularly - I've learned this to be almost 100% accurate: If I feel great before the run (had a good day, have a ton of energy, am just strangely very upbeat) - my run SUCKS. If I'm tired, had a crap day, feel like crap, having digestive issues that I'm not goint to say compare to your loveliness - but might be in the ballpark -> I have GREAT runs. So - after years of knowing that and because I'm a reasonably intellegent person, believing it, when I don't feel so great knowing I have the CHANCE to get in a run and fix all that - makes running a HUGE perk.

    Just another perspective, not intended to be advice or fact. :-)

  2. Forgot to comment on shins. Shin splints are the bane of a runners existence. Most of the time when you're out running, you're not exactly paying attention to how your feet are landing on the surface your on - but giving that casual attention will help.

    I've found two things to be true on this. 1 - if you feel like you're running heavy - like you're 'thumping' on the ground - probably best to stop and call it a day - or stretch more. 2 - hills are awesome, but if you find that you're almost always on the ball of your feet - shin splints are likely going to find you.

    I've never found anything other than STOP RUNNING to get rid of shin splints. They totally suck.

  3. Thanks for the comments :) Oddly, even though I'm not really a morning person, I've found that for the most part, I seem to enjoy them more than in the afternoon. Because when I have a good run in the morning and then go to work, I'm in a pretty decent mood the rest of the day (maybe I should have been doing that all week . . . haha). And I've found that when I have a bad day at work, generally, even though I should look forward to my run, I usually dread it and would rather just go to bed. Also, I've found that for the most part, it's easier to breathe when I run in the mornings, maybe because it's not as hot yet.

    I know I definitely need to pay more attention to my form while I run, and I think it's time for new shoes as well, so I'm sure that's not helping either. Given the shin splints, and it's my birthday and all, I think I'm gonna take a couple days off and see how I feel this weekend. I've heard people say there's some way to sort of "stretch" them to help relieve them, but I've never done any stretch that seemed to help. Pretty sure those people are all crazy.

  4. Oh yeah! Happy Birthday!!!!
