It's been a long busy week. It started off on Sunday giving Copper her first bath, which she did not like:
She was a little grumpy. :( |
Work has been really busy, partly because I missed three hours of work on Monday while I was stuck at the DMV. But it's also been busy because school starts next week, so I've been trying to get everything prepared for the new interns, get everything set up and ready with the new server we're going to be using, transfer all of our files into our new database software, and get some more of our Ebooks on Amazon. It's a little exhausting at times, but it does make the day go by faster which is nice.
Today I had lunch with my friend Katie (the one kind enough to let me borrow her book for that dumb research class I have to take). It wasn't the healthiest lunch...we had chicken tenders and fries...but it was nice to catch up. And I ate my fruits and veggies before I left to go with her, so I at least ate sort of healthy.
It took me
forever to get home today thanks to all the rain and fog and people driving like idiots. Ugh. On top of that, I've been getting tired of the radio lately--same songs and commercials over and over and over--but unfortunately, as we discovered over the weekend, my cd player no longer works. So that sucks. No cd player, no iPod, no fun.
Random picture of Copper for your enjoyment. |
Chris's mom got me a new Vera Bradley purse and wallet for Christmas, but it wasn't the patter that she told them she wanted. I actually liked the pattern she ended up with though and probably would have kept it, except my phone didn't fit in the part of the wallet that's supposed to hold it. So I figured if I had to exchange the wallet anyway, I might as well get the one she originally wanted to get me. Both styles are new for me. I can't remember what the wallet is called, but the purse is the Little Hipster, which is a bit smaller than the regular Hipster (what I normally get). I really like it so far though, and I love the pattern!
Vera Bradley wallet in the Dogwood pattern |
Little Hipster in Dogwood. |
It's almost the weekend....
finally. I feel like this has been such a long week. And classes start next week. I don't wanna :( I've enjoyed not having homework and having free time to read or watch tv or movies or whatever. I'm gonna miss all my free time.
Once my interns sign up for the hours, I plan on using my lunch hour at some point at least a couple times a week to go to the gym or run. I just know I won't do it when I get home (since I don't do it now anyway).
I have good intentions!
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