I have been enjoying my time away from school. A lot. I'm a lot more relaxed and less stressed. It's a nice feeling. And working from home on Fridays is awesome. :)
I don't have my "official" grades yet, but I'm pretty sure I got As in both classes. I still haven't finished
American Psycho yet. I needed a few days to just be lazy and watch tv and not use my brain more than I had to. Seriously, I watched movies on tv all day on Saturday. And I enjoyed every terrible second of it (most of the movies totally sucked, but there was nothing else on lol).
On Sunday we went to my aunt and uncle's house for breakfast to celebrate Mother's Day. We'll be taking my mom to the Cards game on May 31. After breakfast, we went to the Cards game with Chris's parents. Unfortunately they lost, but we had really good seats.
I couldn't get any better pics, but we were about 15 rows or so
behind the Cardinals dugout. |
Chris got a new car! Which I didn't take pictures of because I never took any of my new car so that would just be unfair. Haha. Now that he has a fancy new car that isn't falling apart, he gets to drive
me around everywhere! Starting with last night when we went to the Cards game and they WON! First game we've gone to all season that they've won. Finally.
And here's a picture of Copper with one of Chris's socks that I took the other night:
She likes to steal his dirty socks and throw them around
like she's playing catch with herself. It's adorable, which makes
it hard to tell her not to do that lol. |
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